Monday, October 24, 2011

The Danger of Extension Methods

Today I came across something with extension methods that can cause code to break.  If an extension method’s signature is equivalent to an actual method on the class or interface the extension method will not be called.  For example let say I have the following classes:
    public class Foo
        public object FindItem(int id)
            //Some implimentation

    public static class FooExtensions
        public object FindItem(this Foo foo, int id)
            //Some slightly different implementation.

The FindItem in FooExtensions will never be called unless you call it as FooExtensions.FindItem(foo, id);.  In general this is not a horrible problem as you should avoid naming extension methods the same as an existing method.  The problem comes in if someone extends or modifies a class so that the extension method was hidden.  I discovered this the hard way.  I had a class setup that looked like:
    public class Foo
        public object GetItem(int id)
            //Some implimentation

    public static class FooExtensions
        public object FindItem(this Foo foo, int id)
            //Some slightly different implementation.

GetItem and FindItem had subtly different behavior in how they returned a value.  In 90% of the cases the two methods behaved the same.  However, there was one case where they didn’t.  During a refactor of some code I was trying to unify the language in the Foo interface and renamed GetItem to be FindItem.  I didn’t realize that there was an extension method elsewhere in the code that this change would hide. 
Inevitably, this change broke in the one case where the two methods did not behave in the same manner.  However, it was unclear as to why the code broke.  I spent a good hour looking at the broken code and could not determine why it ever worked.  Since the extension method is hidden by the class’s method of the same name it does not appear when trying to find references.  After searching for a solution to no avail, I made a change to the code call to what used to be the extension method version of FindItem.  Interestingly, this made the code more efficient.  It was only a month later i.e. today when I came across the extension method and found no references to it that I realized what had happened. 

This experience has led me to some thoughts about good coding practices to avoid this issue.
  • Make sure all your extension methods have unit tests associated with them.  This issue would have been spotted in a unit test for the extension method if a test for it had existed.  My project doesn't use a TDD approach and we don’t have full coverage so this error was not caught at this level.  A good unit test would have caught the case that caused the error.  This is the most straightforward and safest way to prevent the error.
  • Collect the extension methods in a place that makes them easy to find.  They probably should be within their own namespace.  Part of the reason this error wasn't caught was that the offending extension method was in a general namespace that was referenced for other reasons.  If a namespace suddenly was no longer needed, this would have been a clue about the cause of the problem.
  • Be judicious with the use of extension methods.  The FindItem method should have been part of Foo.  It was a mistake to not put it there in the first place.  Extension methods are really tempting for people who come from a procedural programming background.  However, they should only be used as a mechanism to extend functionality when the code cannot be extended otherwise.  They should not be used as way of not adding a method to an object or just providing a method that should be a static method to the class.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

My Experience Getting Started With Ruby on Rails

I have been meaning to learn to Ruby on Rails for a while and finally made the decision to start a project.  The following was my experience trying to setup Rails and getting started on building a first application.  Included are my thoughts as I went along.  Overall I am impressed with Ruby on Rails.  In reality it is simple to get something set-up quickly.  However, some of my experience has made me question how easy some of the more complicated aspects will be.  Those will be subjects of other blogs.  This should not be taken as a how-to on setting up Ruby on Rails.  There are many excellent tutorials about that out there and this isn't one of them.  I am in no way trying to write a tutorial.  Instead, I want to share my experience with setting it up.  This has a twofold purpose.  I found the processes to be enjoyable and wanted to share my joy in doing this.  The other was that I had some struggles as I went along.  My hope is that if someone encounters the same or similar errors, my experience might be helpful to them.  I've linked to most of the pages I've used in hope of directing people to the resources I found useful.

Friday 10:30 PM: I decided to get started.  First step go to the Ruby page.  I don’t know Ruby at all so I take a quick look at the documentation page.  I select a link for Ruby from Other Languages and select the From Java page, since it is the language in the list I am most familiar with.  I take a quick skim of the document.  It doesn’t seem too intense.  Some things I am aware of already like the concept of “everything is an object.”  Others I am not.  It is a good quick overview of Ruby in the abstract.  At this point I also go to the download page.  I read through the page and find the RubyInstaller for Windows page and download the latest version (1.9.2-p290).  After it completes the download I run the installer.  While it installs I go to the Ruby on Rails site.    I then get to the Ruby Downloads page which has a clear set of instructions for getting started with Rails.  I have already performed the first step of installing Ruby itself.  Next up is RubyGems.

Friday 10:40 PM: I follow the link to get to the RubyGems download page.  I download the latest version (1.8.10).  I then unzip it to a folder next to my Ruby install and using the command line run ruby setup.rb.  Installation proceeds quickly and now I can use gems.  The gem concept seems really nice as it allows you to easily install new components from the command line.  It all is working well so far.

Friday 10:50 PM: Now on to Rails.  I download version 2.2.3 from the download page.  This would be my first misstep of the night.  I really was not paying close attention at this point and just figured that what was on the page was the most recent.   After all, the link on the Rails home page had said try Rails 3.  That link had sent me to the download page with the instructions which had sent me to this page.  All this I didn’t realize at the time.  I also didn’t understand how gems worked at this point.  I didn’t even need to download the package.  All I had to do was in the command line type gems install rails.  I realize my mistake and I run the command prompt.  Rails installs. I’ve decided to call my test application “Dolphin”, just as a simple code name. So now I create my source directory by typing rails new Dolphin in a folder where I keep my source code.

Friday 10:55 PM: At this point I decide I need more directed help and find a good walk through setup guide called Getting Started with Rails.  This is good because it walks through things in more detail and I want to understand why things work, not just that they do.  This also points out the database.yml file. 

Friday 11:10 PM: Reading the “getting started guide” has made me want to use MySQL instead of the built-in SQLite instance.  I change the configuration then go to install MySQL.  To do this I figure the easiest way to do this is install a XAMPP stack.  This way I get PHPMyAdmin to manage the database.  I download the latest version (1.7.7) and install.  After the installation is complete Apache won’t start because I have IIS running on port 80 for some other development.  I change Apache to run on port 8000 because that’s much quicker and easier than turning off IIS.  I get this up and running and decide to call it quits for the night.

Saturday 9:30 AM: For some reason I am having trouble with getting the rails instance setup.  Folders aren’t being created in the way I would expect.  I go into the Dolphin folder and type rake db:create. I get an error when I do this telling me that there is no such file to load.  I go into my explorer view to look at the folders and realize the problem.  Nothing is going into my Dolphin folder and a folder called new is being created instead.  I think maybe I need to be in the Dolphin folder, but the new folder then appears in there.  I also realize at this point that all the files I’m expecting to be in my Dolphin folder are in my new folder so I omit the new and it seems to create what I want.   I then do the database create rake again and get a new error.  This time around I get a different error telling me:  NameError (undefined method `path' for class `ActionController::UploadedStringIO').  I use Google to find me what my problem is.  After some looking this post clues me in.  I have Rails 2.2.3 installed but I am using Ruby 1.9.2. 

Saturday 9:40 AM: No reason not to start with Rails 3 so I go to figure out how to update to Rails 3.  After some searching around and following the same path multiple times I find the Rails 3 beta page which tells me I can install it by typing gems install rails –pre.  It works like a charm and installs.  I now go back and type db:create and it fails again.  However, it is a different failure this time.  This time the error message said: rake aborted! uninitialized constant Rake::DSL.  Back to Google for this one.  This proved to be an easy fix.  I just needed to change the Rakefile to include require 'rake/dsl_definition'.

Saturday 9:55 AM: At this point I was sure that when I typed db:create it would all go smoothly.  Unfortunately, the major headache of the day was just beginning.  When I ran the command again I got another error that looked similar to the previous one.  This time the error was uninitialized constant mysql2.    A Google search resulted in that I needed to install the mysql2 gem.  This seemed easy enough.  Just type gem install mysql2 and all should be good.  But, no, another error.  Fortunately, this time the error told me what to do.  The error even provided me a helpful link to the ruby installer download page.  The problem was I needed to install the Development Kit.  Finally, a logical error that had a logical resolution.  I followed the instructions for installing.  These were some of the best instructions I’ve found for installing software.

Saturday 10:10 AM: At this point I think I am home free.  I go try to install mysql2 again.  This time I get another. I got the following Error:  Failed to build gem native extension. Again back to Google to find some help for this one.  One of the suggestions pointed me to use gem install mysql -- --with-mysql-lib=/usr/lib/mysql/lib.  This made sense.  My MySQL instance was installed inside XAMPP so of course I’d have to specify its location to the gem installer.  This was correct, however I did not understand the command line syntax correctly lead me down another false path.  I thought the first two -- were unimportant.  In my mind I was interpreting them as a filler for other switches.  So I typed gem install --with-mysql-lib=C:\Programming\Tools\xampp\myphp.  Every time I tried to run this because it kept saying that “C:\” is not a valid path.  At this point I was very confused.  I tried using only a relative path.  When I used the relative path the command ran successfully.  I figured I was home free.  However, when I tried the db:create command again, I got the same failure.  Back to the drawing board, well back to Google to search for more help. I found lots of results and lots of different suggestions.  None of which worked.  It is at this point I realized there are probably a lot of Apple users who use Rails.  There was a surprising number of results related to fixing the problem in OS X.  I had to resort to searching for a Windows specific fix.

Saturday 11:00 AM: After an over half an hour of not making any headway I decide to take a break and get ready to watch the Penn State game.  I figure I’ll return to this later with a fresh mind as I was just beating my head into the wall.

Saturday 6:00 PM: After watching a dull Penn State victory and some other chores it was time to return to trying to get this instance up and running.  I returned to some of my earlier searches and finally determined that my previous attempt had failed not because the instructions were wrong but that I was implementing them wrong.  I looked in the mysql folder and saw that I had created a with\mysql\(and lots more nested folders) directory.  I realized my mistake from earlier.  By omitting the -- in the previous command I change how that command functioned and it took the –with-mysql- as a folder to create instead of an option to the command.  I ran the command with the -- and it seemed to succeed.  I ran the rake command again and I got the failure once again.  It said “rake aborted! uninitialized constant mysql2.”  Same problem.  All the error handling I found said I needed to add the mysql2 constant to the gem file.  I mistook this as something I had to do in the ruby install and spent a fruitless half hour trying to find the gem file in the Ruby and the Ruby on Rails folders.  It is only much later that I realized the gem file was contained within my Dolphin folder.

Saturday 6:50 PM: After unsuccessfully trying to find the gem file in a location that did not exist I went looking for more help and I found this page.  This was a bug report and at the bottom of it I found what I thought was helpful advice.  It said “It seems like a MYSQL Version Problem. Try uninstalling MySQL 5.5 if you have this version and install MYSQL 5.1.”  This seemed like sage advice, but was annoying because it meant determining which version of XAMPP had MySQL 5.1 included.  I then had to uninstall my current XAMPP version and reinstall that.  I made some stupid mistakes in doing this (I reinstalled my same version and installed the lite version.  I eventually got version 1.7.3 installed.  This took a while because I installed and uninstalled a couple times and go distracted looking at parts to build myself a new computer. 

Saturday 8:00 PM: I finally was setup to go again.  After installing the new XAMPP instance I reinstalled the Ruby gem for mysql2 and thought I was home free.  However, it failed again.  I was really frustrated.  It was at this point I decided to figure out the gem file problem from before.  After some more searching online and looking in my folders I saw what I was missing.  There in my Dolphin folder I found a file called Gemfile.  It could not have been more obvious.  All that pain was because I was overlooking something simple.  Since I had done nothing useful in the Dolphin folder I deleted it and re-ran the rails new Dolphin command in hopes that it would update the Gemfile.

Saturday 8:50 PM: I tried running the rake again and I had the DSL problem from before.  I looked up how to solve that problem again.  I fixed it the same way as before.  Then I typed rake db:create.  Success!  Well, sort of.  At this point I had forgotten that by deleting the whole Dolphin directory I had deleted my yml file.  I thought I was using the MySQL instance but I was actually using the SQLite.  A fact I only realized when I looked at the database in PHPMyAdmin and nothing had been added.  At this point I was just excited to play with Ruby and Rails.  I didn’t feel like going through any more hassle.  Using MySQL would have to wait for another day. 

Saturday 9:10 PM: At this point I figured I’d be writing some Ruby code soon so I wanted an IDE to do that in.  I figured since I was a novice at the syntax this would be a good idea.  I went searching for what IDE to use.  I first thought I’d use NetBeans because I had seen Ruby support in it before.  However, this thought was dashed because I found this announcement.  Apparently Ruby was not being supported by NetBeans anymore.  I searched online for some recommendations.  I eventually decided on Aptana Studio (which is built on top of Eclipse) based upon some recommendations and my familiarity with Eclipse.  I got that downloaded and extracted.  This was wasted time really because I didn't wind up using it at all

Saturday 9:20 PM:  I now returned to where I was the night before going through the walk through.  My next step was to just start the server.  I typed rails server to get it going.  This was awesome; it seemed to start with no issues.  Way simpler than getting a Java project to deploy.  I went to http://localhost:3000  (the port it starts on by default) and the default start-up page was there.  It was good to have something work right off the bat. 

Saturday 9:23 PM: Back in the console I shut down the server using Ctrl + C.  The next step was to generate some content.  So I used the rails generate controller home index command as instructed to in the walk through.  This succeeded with no issues. The tutorial told me then to go to the app/views/home/index.html.erb file and change the contents.  This I did. I also deleted the default index page by removing the public/index.html file and changed the routing by uncommenting the root :to => "welcome#index" line in the config/routes.rb

Saturday 9:38 PM:  I once again restarted the server and went to the default page, hopeful  to see the HTML I had entered a minute ago.  Instead I got an error on the page that said “uninitialized constant WelcomeController.”  Another road block.  I search for an answer for a minute before I notice something.  In the tutorial I am reading it says to uncomment root :to => “home#index” line but my routes.rb actually has root :to=> “welcome#index” for the line.  I change welcome to home and reload the page.  Viola, it works, showing the HTML I had put into the template. 

Saturday 9:55: I follow along with the tutorial without any more incident.  I gets me up and running with a simple module really quickly.  It  creates a creation page, a listing page, and an edit page by just running the rails generate scaffold Post … command.   

I am going to end the discussion of my experience at this point as the rest of what I did was rather vanilla.  Overall I had a positive first experience with Ruby and Rails.  If I hadn’t detoured to try to use MySQL it would probably have taken no more than an hour to go from nothing to an application that can enter, retrieve, and edit data.  There is a lot more for me to explore and I am excited about exploring it.  I will post more blog entries as I explore more.  

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

HashMap of a HashMap of a HashMap Problem -- Part 4 - A Way To Correct The Problem

Previously we have seen how collections can be used to circumvent the type system.  They can be thought of creating classes without actually creating classes.  This can be useful when you have simple relationships you want to store, but confusing as you add more complicated relationships.  They lead to maintainability nightmares where even the original author does not understand what is occurring.  The code is mucked up with nested data structures both in the definition of the relationships and the use of them.  Now we’ll see how to correct the problem.
The way to correct the problem is not revolutionary.  In fact, it is not something that I used to think I had to explain.  It was only after I saw multiple developers create the HashMap of a HashMap of a HashMap problem and explained what they should have done that I realized not everyone saw it as intuitive.  The solution is simply applying good object oriented principles.  Let us return to our Person class we created in Part 2 (for now we will keep the birthday out of the relationship):
public class Person
    public string Name { get; }
    public List<string> Nicknames { get; }

In Part 3 we added complexity that the name was actually just a first name and that we wanted to tie last name to the first name and the list of nicknames. Let us add this information to our Person class:

public class Person
    public string FirstName { get; }
    public string LastName { get; }
    public List<string> Nicknames { get; }

We have now defined a class that encapsulated the information contained in our LastNameToFirstNameToNicknameMap in Part 3 into an object.  If we have a list of Persons we have the same information as we did in our complex nested properties.  However, we’ve lost some of the ability to quickly retrieve values based upon name values.  We have to look through the list of persons for a match.  There are a couple ways we can approach the problem at this point, depending upon how we want to expose and deal with our data.  The following is just one way that this can be handled.  Let’s call a collection of people who share a last name a Family.  A family class would on a basic level look like this:

public class Family
    public string LastName { get; }
    public List<Person> People { get; }

 I’m purposefully omitting the constructor and methods needed for management of the family for simplicity.  Let us also think about the other layer of data we wanted to have which was nationalities and add that data to our objects as well.  Our Family and Person class would look as follows:

public class Person
    public string FirstName { get; }
    public string LastName { get; }
    public List<string> Nicknames { get; }
    public string Nationality { get; }

public class Family
    public string Nationality { get; }
    public string LastName { get; }
    public List<Person> People { get; }

You’ll notice that Nationality and Nickname is duplicated between the two objects.  This is purposeful on my part.  This could be handled in other ways, like as a Person could have a reference to his family.  This makes sense in our contrived example, but in practice, I find the way this is structured to be more practical.  In reality, I often want to create the type of object a Person is our example of without knowing what family it will belong to at creation time.  However, I know the properties like LastName and Nationality at creation time.  What I mean is that I want to construct families from people not create families and then add people to it.  It is a subtle difference, but is the general case where I’ve seen the HashMap of a HashMap of a HashMap problem occur.  You of course should write the data structure that is most appropriate for your situation.
Ultimately, I need some sort of top-level object that will provide be access to the values.  I could just use a list of Families and have some outside object manage the adding and removal of items, but that breaks the object-oriented approach we are going for.  What we really want to do is encapsulate the management logic into a class and provide convenience methods for access and manipulation.  Let’s call our top level object Families.  I am going to construct a class with some basic features for creating our constructs based upon a person.  Let me preface this by saying it is meant to illustrate the structure, not be a fully functioning example:
public class Families

    /// <summary>
    /// Private class to encapsulate the logic connecting a last
    /// name to a family
    /// </summary>
    private class LastNameFamilyMap{
        private Dictionary<string, Family> _familyMap;

        public LastNameFamilyMap()
            _familyMap = new Dictionary<string, Family>();

        public void AddFamily(Family family)
            _familyMap.Add(family.LastName, family);


        public void RemoveFamily(Family family)

        public Family GetFamily(string lastName)
            Family family;
            if (_familyMap.TryGetValue(lastName, out family))
                return family;
            return null;

    /// <summary>
    /// Private class used to encapsulate the nationality
    /// to families relatonship.
    /// </summary>
    private class NationalityFamilyMap
        private Dictionary<string, List<Family>> _nationalitiesToFamilies;
        private Dictionary<string, LastNameFamilyMap> _familyMappings;

        public NationalityFamilyMap()
            _nationalitiesToFamilies = new Dictionary<string, List<Family>>();

        public void AddFamily(Family family)
            List<Family> families;
            if(!_nationalitiesToFamilies.TryGetValue(family.Nationality, out families)){
                families = new List<Family>();
                _nationalitiesToFamilies.Add(family.Nationality, families);

            LastNameFamilyMap lastNameMap;
            if (!_familyMappings.TryGetValue(family.Nationality, out lastNameMap))
                lastNameMap = new LastNameFamilyMap();
                _familyMappings.Add(family.Nationality, lastNameMap);


        public void RemoveFamily(Family family)
            List<Family> families;
            if (_nationalitiesToFamilies.TryGetValue(family.Nationality, out families))

            LastNameFamilyMap lastNameMap;
            if (_familyMappings.TryGetValue(family.Nationality, out lastNameMap))

        public IEnumerable<Family> GetFamilies(string nationality)
            List<Family> families;
            if(_nationalitiesToFamilies.TryGetValue(nationality, out families)){
                return families;
            return new List<Family>();

        public Family GetFamily(string nationality, string lastName)
             LastNameFamilyMap lastNameMap;
            if (_familyMappings.TryGetValue(nationality, out lastNameMap))
                return lastNameMap.GetFamily(lastName);
            return null;

        public Family GetFamily(Person person)
            return GetFamily(person.Nationality, person.LastName);

    private NationalityFamilyMap _nationalityFamilyMap;

    private List<Family> _families;
    private List<Person> _people;

    public Families()
        _nationalityFamilyMap = new NationalityFamilyMap();
        _families = new List<Family>();
        _people = new List<Person>();

    public IEnumerable<Family> Families { get { return _families; } }
    public IEnumerable<Person> People { get { return _people; } }

    public void Add(Person person)
        Family family = _nationalityFamilyMap.GetFamily(person);
        if (family == null)
            family = new Family(person);


This may seem over whelming at first.  I also apologize for the dearth of comments.  This is just one way you can implement the management of the relationship we had in only collections at the end of Part 3.  There is a lot more complexity in the code here than the basic collection structure we had, but it is all for good reason.  What we are doing here is encapsulating the management into the object itself.  We are using two private classes to abstract away the underlying collections.  
The private classes may seem complex, but they are in reality quite simple.  Their purpose it maintain specific relationships between objects and enable us to easily retrieve those relationships. Lets look at the LastNameFamilyMap alone.
    /// <summary>
    /// Private class to encapsulate the logic connecting a last
    /// name to a family
    /// </summary>
    private class LastNameFamilyMap{
        private Dictionary<string, Family> _familyMap;

        public LastNameFamilyMap()
            _familyMap = new Dictionary<string, Family>();

        public void AddFamily(Family family)
            _familyMap.Add(family.LastName, family);


        public void RemoveFamily(Family family)

        public Family GetFamily(string lastName)
            Family family;
            if (_familyMap.TryGetValue(lastName, out family))
                return family;
            return null;

We have specific methods to add, remove and add families.  This gives us explicit control over changes to our structure.  This is something we don’t get with straight collections.  We’ve encapsulated the underlying dictionary into a structure so that if we want to keep track of additional information from our Family object we are able to easily.  Our management points for changing this are only in  the AddFamily and RemoveFamily methods of the class.  This means we can easily provide a reverse lookup Dictionary, which would be useful if LastName wasn’t part of the Family object (which in the real world might be the case).  We also are sure that nobody can change our underlying collection without accessing it through our methods. 
This is basic data encapsulation but it’s something that is not often done.  I was working on a relationship like this just the other day.  I had to allow the storage of a new type of relationship.  If I had just had a HashMap of a HashMap of a HashMap I would have never been able to enforce the tracking constraints that I did.  Let say I wanted to make it so only families with a last name that began with A were being tracked.  This is an easy check to put into our Add method.  Or I can make it so families with more than three members cannot be removed.  The data encapsulation puts our logic into this one location and ensures that the rules are always followed.
 Looking at our private classes we could have substituted the LastNameFamilyMap  reference in NationalityFamilyMap with just a straight Dictionary but then we’d be back to where we started with a Dictionary containing a Dictionary.  In essence, this is what that relationship is, but we are using another object to indirect this relationship.  All the complexity of dealing with the dictionary moves inside the object making additions and removals from it much simpler.
The same is the case for our NationalityFamilyMap.  Here we actually have two Dictionaries.  One allows us to easily keep track of Families based upon nationality while the other provides a quick look-up for a Family based upon Nationality and LastName of a Person. 
Because of the sub-classes manages the adding a person to our collection is quite simple.  We can easily look-up if that person’s family exists through our sub-class.  If it does not exist, we can easily create a new one and add it to our internal collections and objects.  The onus for the complicated logic needed to create add a new Person, including creating a new Family is on us as a developer of the management class, not the user of the data structure.  Not included in the code are the accessors that the definition of this structure might require.  We might want to get all the families of a nationality.  This would involve simply adding a method to our Families class that looks like this:

public IEnumerable<Family> GetFamilesOfNationality(string nationality)
    return _nationalityFamilyMap.GetFamilies(nationality);

This is much simpler than what we would have had to write if we still had our collection only implementation from Part 3.  The function that would then have looked like:
 public IEnumerable<Dictionary<string, List<string>>> GetFamilesOfNationality(string nationality)
    Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, List<string>>> lastNameMap;

    if (NameMap.TryGetValue(nationality, out lastNameMap))
        return lastNameMap.Values;
    return  new List<Dictionary<string, List<string>>>();

Underneath the hood, the code would look very similar but as far as readability goes, the version with the Family class is much easier to read.  The layering of objects also allows us to keep congruent sets of information to speed up retrieval when we want something other than a direct lookup.  We keep a running list of families at very little cost.  If we wanted to keep them sorted in some manner (add order or on some value) this would be easy as well.
Part of what makes this method of encapsulating values valuable is controlling access.  We limit the access points through our add and remove methods.  We therefore are able to add new backing collections that aid in our access easily.  Since we have limited access points, object management only needs to be added in those specific points.  The added complication in our object ultimately makes for a more elegant code that uses our management object.  It is also more maintainable as the encapsulation pinpoints responsibilities within objects.
We could keep examining the structure in detail and analyze all of its facets, but I think this is sufficient for now.  I would encourage you to try writing accessors to get values out of each structure and see which one you like using better.  When writing accessors for the class structure feel free to add new collections to improve retrieval time and see how the code easily falls into place. 
What I hope you have gotten out of the last series of posts is an understanding of the HashMap of HashMap of HashMap problem.  I hope you see that in code it is an unwieldy structure to use.  It is a way of circumventing object-oriented design.  I hope I have given you at least one path on how you can transform that structure into classes.  My hope is that in the future when you see nested collections you will question if that is really how you want the data to be contained.  It is more work up front to create the classes to contain the data but in the end, you will save yourself headaches if you do write specialized classes to manage complex relationships.